'gambito' says...
hi ben and v. loved the pics ca you put some up on sws??...xxx
'ben with mistress' says...
Mistress and crew now in Guadeloupe. follow progress on sailingmistress.tumblr.com
'mikey' says...
hi , the cheetahs...how is knysna? ...nice n' cool????
'yacht cheetah' says...
i like. i like. the web site is tops all the best from the cheetah family
'shrimpys' says...
thanks for the up date....just keep 'em commin....
'Ben (sv.Mistress)' says...
Hi Mike & Sally. Am safe and sound in Antigua via Statia then a few days in Barbuda (where they had no internet). Next stop Guadaloupe after exploring here a bit. Hope all well in SXM. Ben
'walter' says...
hallo shrimpy...see you soon...
'mikeysan' says...
schoensten dank ..hoffe alles im gruenen......mlg...
'Markusan' says...
Hi Mikeysan! Liebe Grüße an Euch BEIDE!!!
'mike' says...
thnx maggy.....not so long now......