'Out of Africa' says...
Thanks for all your kindness and friendship. Looking forward to seeing you guys in the future. Lots of love to both of you.
'Jessica & Mitch (Kynda)' says...
In Antigua, heading North, looking forward to seeing you again!
'shrimpys' says...
hi tom and Janet .....was great seeing you again
'Norm ex of RUMOR' says...
In Boston thinking of Shrimpy's every day
'shrimpys' says...
you rowing????lol
'Ben and Laura (Mistress)' says...
We're heading north. Expect to be in Saint Martin by April.
'Corcovado' says...
Say thank you to Sally for me. Since you missed the fireworks, I just them on my website, susanmcquillan.com for your viewing pleasure.
'Heldi' says...
Hallo Mikyesan!
'shrimpys' says...
hallo zur heldy...
'shrimpys' says...
still loving my wall.......lol